''Christ in You...'' with Dale Krebbs
Originally posted on 09/18/2011
Works Of Grace
If we have been growing and building, and if we have been doing so on the Rock-solid Foundation, our character edifice has risen higher and higher. And if this is so, there should be no worry or concern - what has been built is good, and more than this, it is necessary in order to support something even more grand. Although what we have built will stand, it must go higher. The character that we have built so far will only take us so far.- it is not yet complete. Many today leave off building at some point, thinking that what has been done in them is enough - are you ready to keep building?.
There are many reasons. Some become "weary in well doing" (Galatians 6:8-9) becoming distracted, or weakened with the labor, and begin to loose the vision of the reward for their efforts. Unexpected difficulties, pressure of the world around them, or temptations of various kinds begin to take their toll. Some feel that there is nothing else to build - what they have done is all there is. Unfortunately, some never begin to build - they believe it is unnecessary to build anything (Matthew 25:24-28). This can mostly be the result of not staying close to the Designer and following His blueprint. If this happens, Jesus is very merciful - He may seem far away, but He is always near. He will always make a way back. He remembers our weaknesses, He remembers that we are dust (Psalm 103:14). If you have built with Him, what has been done in Him will stand. Just begin to build with Him where you were, staying close to Him. He will perfect His strength to build even IN your weakness! (2 Corinthians 12:9)! What God is doing in us is to awesome and wonderful and beyond words to describe!
The character structure which we have constructed thus far, although good in itself, is not finished. It would be like a skyscraper, which rising into the sky seems quiet high and admirable. But if it is not finished, it cannot function as it was designed to function. Often the top story of a structure contains a headquarters, etc., depending upon the design purpose. A pyramid is expected to have a "capstone". It is very conspicuous when it is missing. So it is also if the character "capstone" is missing - it is VERY conspicuous...
As with the other "stories" of our character pyramid, the previous one - Godliness - enables and empowers the construction of our next one:
BROTHERLY KINDNESS: Once again, it should be clear that the previous traits are foundations for this one. If "brotherly kindness" is to be real, it MUST BE FOUNDED UPON GODLINESS. Otherwise, it can be completely hypocritical, manipulative, condescending, or at "best" politicized. This is the way the world functions. As a result, suspicions and a spirit of cynicism prevails more and more - because so much is NOT "real". Kindness in any setting is often met with "what’s your angle...?" Since God and Godliness is not experienced, and God is not in them, it is often not lived out - pretentiously or otherwise. There are many notable exceptions seemingly, but even in these exceptions self-serving is often the real motive. In its final working, it is not brotherly and is not kindness. However, pretentious brother kindness will seem to make things go smoother - for a while.
But for those building upon the promises of God, and led by the Holy Spirit, things are different. Brotherly kindness begins to become, not means to some selfish end game, but a genuine spirit of spontaneously willing to think the best of others up front. Experience may prove otherwise, but that is the risk that we take. Brotherly Kindness is willing to take it - and to extend real good will FIRST. Brotherly kindness embodies a gentleness of demeanor - a basic approach to every situation. It is willing to yield if at all possible to do so. There was a time in the not-so-ancient past when for a man to be called a "gentleman" as a compliment. Today, it is laughed at, and considered a joke. The irony is, that it is a joke, it is so rare. Perhaps it is so rare because it is so rarely observed. In some ways, kindness has always been rare, but real kindness proceeding from the grace of true Godliness has always been found in God's true children. If there is not more of there, there is much less of something else, and there may be real problems.
Kindness involves forbearance, patience, willingness to be wronged for Christ's sake, and for peace. It is work. It takes a cognitive effort. It is not OUR power that accomplishes it. It is Christ empowering within. Therefore, all the credit and glory to to Him. But He gives a special reward here and now to those who are building kindness - there is a Godly JOY for those who show genuine kindness - it often exceeds that of the one who receives the kindness! But along with that there is risk. There is often a trade-off, but as with everything Godly Satan has a counterfeit or a counter-ploy. Yes, we may be betrayed. Yes, we may suffer in some way because of our extending brother kindness FIRST. Jesus extended the kindness of God when HE KNEW what the world would do (Romans 5:6-8)! But this is also part of that to which we have been called. NO ONE has extended the kindness that Jesus Christ has (Titus 3:4), and WILL FOR ETERNITY toward those who have received eternal life. Kindness is something WE MUST PUT ON now that we are empowered by God’s Godliness (Colossians 3:12)!
Some seem to be more kind by nature or habit than others. Again, this is the result of many factors: heredity, environment, life experiences, the culture from which one comes may exhibit kindness differently. Sometimes profound and life-altering incidents can warp a personality, or, make one better. For some, they must exercise much effort to become more kind-hearted, and empathetic. Here is grand opportunity for those who have developed kindness to exercise it. And here is the glorious truth of this: when we GIVE OUT kindness without asking questions, without reservation, and without prejudging, WE DON’T HAVE TO WORRY
ABOUT KEEPING SCORE. This will provide a kind of freedom that those who do not develop a kindness that proceeds in Godliness cannot imagine! God is kind to ALL (Matthew 5:45).Kindness is our business, it is our "MO" - if we belong to Christ!
There is a very important key to facilitating the expression of genuine, real, brotherly kindness. It has always seemed to this writer that this key is mostly overlooked or ignored. It is THE WAY to live out and actualize brotherly kindness, and to receive brotherly kindness. If it were implemented wholesale by the world (it will be!), the world would become filled with "brotherly kindness" - does the world need anything more than brotherly kindness? "Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves" - Philippians 2:3.
This is the only way to PRACTICE a brotherly kindness that imitates from the heart of Godliness! It must be our way - because it is His. Are you building this character trait into your very being?
If so, you are not far from the Kingdom of God...!
"...so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus."- Ephesians 2:7